Electrical hazards  and Tips to Avoid them in Construction Sites

Electrical hazards and Tips to Avoid them in Construction Sites

Electricity is a tremendous force that provides energy to many of the products that we use in our day-to-day living. It serves as the heartbeat of our lives every day. In fact, without electricity in our lives, we will return to the old stone ages. So, it’s a fundamental job for the builders and construction industries to provide electrical lines with perfections to support our lifestyles. In which, electrical hazards prevention steps play a vital role in the construction sites.

So, What exactly are these Electrical Hazards?

When working on construction sites that use power cables and other tools to install electrical systems, construction workers are exposed to electricity and electrical hazards. Besides the fact we developed humongous technologies in handling electrical works, the statistics of electrical hazards and fatalities are still high in graphical representations.

Electrical exposures in construction sites remain a significant risk, even though construction safety has continuously developed over the years. Small negligence or ignorance can cause a lot for the workers in the construction sites. Moreover, there can be a variety of factors causing electrical shock, electricity, burns, fires, or even explosions. And while year-over-year fatal electrical injuries vary, the risk of electrical hazards is still in upward directions.

Further, it’s most crucial that everyone involved in the construction business must take safety guidelines seriously.

To create more awareness in dealing with electrical work in construction sites, we are going to discuss some vital areas in providing safety and precaution to the workers.

There are many electrical hazards on the job site, and knowing about them will help workers avoid accidents and fatalities. Here We Go,

Dealing with Overhead Power Lines

High voltages flow through overhead powered electrical lines or live wires. When they come into contact or are with rough handling, they can cause severe burns and electrocution. Remember to maintain a secure distance from them. The warning signs and proper labelling represent the restricted areas

Therefore, always make sure to put up barriers to keep people away from heavy power lines.

Quality Factors in Electrical Equipments

Electricity-powered tools, equipment, or machines can also endanger an electrician’s or any worker’s safety. Set an inspection team on quality checks of electrical products and maintenance schedules. Likewise, if you won a bid in buying an electrical products contract, always keep an eye on quality rather than quantity. Many low-quality products in the market can endanger electrical hazards in the sites.

 Before beginning any electrical maintenance or repair work, always follow LookOut (LOTO) danger signs procedures. The advancement in technology paved many ways in finding quality building materials online.

Just a few clicks away, you can fetch quality building materials from the best marketplace online.

Dealing with Exposed Electrical Parts

There will be a lot of exposed wires, detached insulation parts, and open power distribution units while the electrical system installation works go on. These parts have the potential to cause shocks and burns.

Secure them with tags and barriers so that those who are not part of your electrical team do not accidentally come in contact with them.

Maintaining and repairing electric equipment is one of the most in-demand orders for electricians on a construction site. So, before dispatching your electricians to the job site, check their experience in handling electrical work. Sending them when they are inexperienced with construction equipment can endanger their lives. Electricians should be edible in how to use each tool properly, especially when doing direct electrical work.

Hiring construction companies with the best track records can be the best solution to these electrical hazards.

Inappropriate circuits and Qualified Testing Tools

It is critical in a construction project to have all equipment checked regularly to ensure a smooth flow of work. However, when inspecting them, make sure to use only approved electrical power testing equipment to avoid fatal electrocutions caused by counterfeit or substandard tools. Voltage detectors, clamp meters, and best-in-quality testers are examples of testing equipment that your industrial electricians should have.

Improper wire circuits can cause overheating or overloading of circuits, which can result in large-scale electrical hazards. To handle electrical loads more effectively, always use the proper wire and perfect circuit setups. Use an extension cord or proper tools rated for heavy-duty use in the sites.

Help your workers and keep them safe by organizing wires. Which can trip them or electrocute them when cables are energized. Cable covers and cord protectors should be used to protect wires from damage and to keep workers safe from electrical hazards.

Always keep an Eye on the Grounding

Providing electrical lines to a large construction site is an extensive process. Negligence and improper handling is the main reason for grounding problems. Sometimes it may be a serious problem causing damages to the electrical lines.

When the ground is properly set up, the risk of electrocution is reduced. The metallic ground pin or the grounding setup should not be separated in any case in the construction site. Because it is the one that conducts unwanted voltage to the ground.

Though it’s a simple trick, it’s crucial to keep an eye on it on all electrical work to avoid these electrical hazards.

Handling Wet Conditions

Because conduction electricity is vigorous in the water, its a never a good idea to use electrical equipment in wet areas. When it’s raining, make sure to schedule your electrical work for when the rain stops. Furthermore, even during the rainy season, it does not rain every day for the entire week or month. Only an equipped electrician should inspect wet electrical equipment before reenergizing it.

Protective Gears-For Safety

Its the responsibility of the construction firms to provide quality protective gear to their employees. The counterfeit and cheap protective gears have been threatening electrical hazards to cause massive damage.

The volume of clothing they wear should be determined by their level of exposure to electricity. Electrical gloves and thick footwear are some of the basic tools that should be used when working with electrical equipment to avoid electrical hazards.

If they will be working with wiring or near to close proximity to electricity, they should wear a face shield, a fire-resistant helmet, and other sorts of eyes and ear protection to ensure their safety.

On construction sites, the highest priority should always be safety concerns.

“Prevention is always better than Cure” – this competes with the construction business as well. So pre-plan and pre-check your electrical works before commencing it to eliminate electrical hazards.

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